Government belongs to the People
I was born in Albion, the oldest of seven.
I'm a graduate of Doane University, summa cum laude.
I raised six bright, healthy, hardworking, wonderful kids...all now adults.
My wife Cheryl and I reside here in Lincoln, Nebraska.
I retired from Lincoln Fire and Rescue in August of 2019. During my 27 year career, I served on both engine and rescue companies, as well as in the training division. (My training style is the socratic method. I like to make people think.)
The pinnacle of my career was participating in a rescue attempt that involved climbing ~1200' up a 1500’ TV tower in western Nebraska. That effort earned the team the inaugural Congressional Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor, our nation’s highest civilian award for valor. You can watch part of the award ceremony here.
When the globalists launched their "pandemic" in early 2020, I dedicated myself full-time to holding local and state "government" accountable for infringing on our God-given rights, which our State Constitution strictly prohibits: "such rights shall not be denied or infringed by the state or any subdivision thereof."
The good People of Nebraska deserve accountability and transparency from their public servants. We haven't been getting that accountabilty and transparency because our elections are rigged, and have been for some time. People are being selected rather than elected. Once selected, they know they don't have to be accountable.
President Trump did us the huge favor of showing us just how much our elections are rigged. Fixing 2020 isn't first and foremost about restoring the "diamonds" (votes) that were stolen from him, but about restoring the "diamonds" that were stolen from We the People.
“What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again…” Donald J. Trump
Government of, by and for the People requires a secure ballot box. Election fraud is an existential threat to the American experiment in self-government and liberty. What we've been calling elections are nothing more than charades, designed to make us think we have a voice/vote when we don't...and to destroy our country slowly and covertly, like the proverbial frog in water.
We need a way around this charade. And that is the point of running for Governor by write-in. We want an election we can verify. You can learn how to participate in such an election here.
Here's my last word. As your governor, I will search and hunt out fraud, corruption and tyranny at every level of state and local government and shout it from the housetops, so that together WE can rid ourselves of this corruption and waste.
Your humble servant,
Robert J. Borer
Government of, by and for the People